As of
July, 2001 Andrew and Samantha's farm has been confiscated. With the
compliance of the local police, a gang of "vets" took over the
property, buildings, livestock and assets and the farm's owners have had
to leave the country with their new baby.
Don't forget that Andrew, Samantha, their parents,
siblings, and now their daughter, were all born and raised in Zimbabwe.
This is --or was-- their home. This year they faced a bumper crop and had
high hopes for the cattle. What will now happen to the employees, their
families, the livestock and crops, is unknown. Unfortunately, other farms
that have been expropriated have not succeeded.
When hard-working, highly skilled citizens are
driven from their own country, they are not the only ones to suffer. The
future of everyone connected with this once-thriving farm is now in doubt.
During the last civil war in Zimbabwe, wildlife
was ruthlessly poached and slaughtered. We dread to think what will happen
to those most majestic and beautiful animals we were so privileged to see.